Help Us, Help You – Accessing NHS 111 services
Non-urgent advice: When you think you need A&E, go to 111 online first
NHS 111 can help you right away and, if needed, a healthcare professional will call you.
You can access NHS 111 online by visiting the website
People with life-threatening illnesses or injuries should continue to dial 999.
NHS 111 online makes it easier for patients to get the right advice or treatment.
NHS 111 online can make sure you access the most appropriate service for your health concern. If needed, NHS 111 online can direct you to an urgent treatment centre/walk in centre, emergency dental service, GP, pharmacy or another more appropriate local service.
111 online can tell you:
- where to get help for your symptoms, if you’re not sure what to do
- how to find general health information and advice
- where to get an emergency supply of your prescribed medicine
- how to get a repeat prescription

Non-urgent advice: Check it’s not an emergency
Call 999 now if you have any of these:
signs of a heart attack
pain like a very tight band, heavy weight or squeezing in the centre of your chest
signs of a stroke
face dropping on one side, can’t hold both arms up, difficulty speaking
tried to end your life
by taking something or harming yourself
severe difficulty breathing
not being able to get words out, choking or gasping
heavy bleeding
spraying, pouring or enough to make a puddle
severe injuries
after a serious accident
seizure (fit)
someone is shaking or jerking because of a fit, or is unconscious (can’t be woken up)
sudden, rapid swelling
of the lips, mouth, throat or tongue
Deaf people can use 18000 to contact 999 using text relay.